Join 4-H Today!

You can enroll on 4-H Online .

4-H is open to all youth between the ages of 5 and 18 (4-H Age). 4-H age is the age of the youth before January 1 of the current year.

The first year of eligibility for participation in the 4-H Cloverbuds program is the 4-H age of 5.

The last year of eligibility for participation in the 4-H Cloverbuds program is the 4-H age of 6.

The first year of eligibility for the regular 4-H program is the 4-H age of 7.

The last year of eligibility is 4-H age of 18.

The 4-H Project Selection Guide can help you make your project selections. There are a variety of projects to choose from.

Phillips County 4-H Clubs:

Agra Trailblazers, Deer Creek, Iowa Union, Lone Prairie and Sunnyside

Rooks County 4-H Clubs:

Eager Beaver, Helpful Hands, Mt. Pleasant, Palco and Star